Projects - Professional /Internships

At Tiger Analytics as ML Engineer

Bug Risk Prediction

At Decimal Point Analytics as Data Scientist

CSV Agent

Dolat Summarization

Semantic Datatype Detection

ESG Classifier

Tiger automation



At SchoolHack as AI/ML Engineer

IQL for ChatGPT

Live Translation from English to other foreign Langugaes

Llama2 and Llama3 Finetuning

At Decimal Point Analytics as Software Development Intern

Blockchain based Chat and Bid Application

Projects - Academic/Personal

  1. Automation of Cleaning cervical data using deep learning techniques:

    Developed a supervised contrastive model to filter outliers in a cervical image dataset resulted in superior performance when compared to human cleaning. These impressive findings were published in the prestigious IEEE Access journal.

  2. EfficientCenterDet: A novel Self supervision boosted RoI proposal network for cervix type detection [code]:

    A fully automated self-supervised pipeline has been developed for the detection of cervical cancer. This impressive feat was achieved by leveraging a novel object detector, which drew inspiration from both the efficientdet architecture and centrenet loss. These impressive findings were published in the prestigious International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology.

  3. Covid-19 detection from CT scans [code]:

    I successfully designed and implemented an advanced EfficientNet architecture that accurately predicts Covid-19 infection through CT scans. To ensure optimal performance, I employed a BCD U-net for efficient segmentation of the region of interest. These findings were communicate to a conference.

  4. Cassava Leaf disease classification [code]:

    I undertook a challenging Kaggle competition by implementing a variety of advanced models, including Vision Transformer, EfficientNets, and ResNets, all trained using Bi-Tempered Loss. To achieve even greater accuracy, I utilized an ensemble of these models in conjunction with Test Time Augmentation (TTA).

  5. Stock Market prediction with tabnet [code]:

    Successfully trained tabnet architecture, (original developed by google AI cloud) for regressing over a complex tabular data. Along with tabnet, I also trained gradient boosted tree algorithms like xgboost, catboost. Also, trained RNN for puts call ratio from historical data. I leveraged self supervised methods to handle missing values and ensure the highest level of model accuracy.

  6. Tweet Sentiment Extraction [code]: Worked on a project to extract key phrases given the sentiment from tweets, utilizing multiple advanced transformers, including XLNet, RoBERTa, and alBERT. To achieve even greater performance, I implemented an ensemble of these models, further enhancing my model’s predictive power

  7. Human Activity Recognition using 2D pose [code]: For this project, I tackled the challenging task of detecting human activities from video data. To achieve this, I utilized the powerful pose recognition model, Posenet, as a starting point, and built a custom Convlstm head on top of it. This model was then fine-tuned using a data input of 20 frames at a time, allowing for greater accuracy in activity detection.

  8. Multi task learning for self driving cars:

    Developed a single neural network that can perform object detection, segmentation and depth perception using IDD dataset

Roles, Responsibilities and Interests

Professional Level:

Domain Knowledge:


Personal (Passion) level:
